Source code for jobslib.oneinstance

Module :mod:`oneinstance` provides a lock which allowes only one running
instance at the same time. The Lock is used when ``--one-instance`` command
line argument is passed. When acquiring the lock is not possible, task is not
run and process is slept for ``--sleep-interval`` seconds. Then ``runjob``
will try to acquire lock again. If implementation of the lock supports TTL
and you need extend the lock, it is possible call :meth:`BaseLock.refresh`
inside your :meth:`jobslib.BaseTask.task`. Otherwise task is aborted.

:class:`BaseLock` is ancestor, it is an abstract class which defines API,
not locking functionality. Override the class if you want write own
implementation of the lock.

import abc

from ..config import ConfigGroup

__all__ = ['BaseLock', 'OneInstanceWatchdogError']

[docs]class OneInstanceWatchdogError(BaseException): """ Indicates that TTL of the lock has been reached. """ pass
[docs]class BaseLock(abc.ABC): """ Provides lock's API. Inherit this class and override abstract methods :meth:`acquire`, :meth:`release` and :meth:`refresh`. Configuration options are defined in :class:`OptionsConfig` class, which is :class:`~jobslib.ConfigGroup` descendant. """
[docs] class OptionsConfig(ConfigGroup): """ Validation of the lock's configuration, see :class:`~jobslib.ConfigGroup`. """ pass
def __init__(self, context, options): self.context = context self.options = options
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def acquire(self): """ Acquire a lock. Return :data:`!True` if lock has been successfuly acquired, otherwise return :data:`!False`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def release(self): """ Release existing lock. Return :data:`!True` if lock has been successfuly released, otherwise return :data:`!False`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def refresh(self): """ Refresh existing lock. Return :data:`!True` if lock has been successfuly refreshed, otherwise return :data:`!False`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_lock_owner_info(self): """ Return lock's owner information. It depends on implementation, return :class:`!dict` or :data:`!None` if information is not available. """ return None