Source code for jobslib.config

Module :mod:`jobslib.config` provides base class which encapsulates

import json
import logging.config
import os

from objectvalidator import option, OptionsContainer

from .context import Context
from .imports import import_object
from .logging import BASE_LOGGING

__all__ = ['Config', 'ConfigGroup']

class ConfigGroup(OptionsContainer):
    Container for configuration. During initialization values from all
    methods decorated by :class:`option` decorator are read. So if class
    is successfuly initialized, all options are validated and cached.

    def initialize(self, *args, **unused_kwargs):
        Initialize instance attributes. You can override this method in
        the subclasses.
        self._settings, self._args_parser = args

    def as_kwargs(self):
        Return all options as a :class:`dict`.
        return {
            name: getattr(self, name)
            for name in option.get_option_names(self)

[docs]class Config(OptionsContainer): """ Class which encapsulates configuration. It joins configuration values from :mod:`settings` module and from command line. :mod:`settings` is Python module defined by either :envvar:`JOBSLIB_SETTINGS_MODULE` environment variable or :option:`-s/--settings` command line argument. *args_parser* is instance of the :class:`argparse.Namespace`. Both values are available on class, *settings* as a :attr:`_settings` attribute and *args_parser* as an :attr:`_args_parser` attribute. Configuration options are placed on class as methods decorated by :class:`option` decorator. During class initialization all decorated methods are read, so it implies values validation a caching. If you want nested configurations options, use :class:`ConfigGroup`. Reading value of the nested class during initialization implies the same mechanism, so all configuration will be validated and cached recursively. Example of the custom :class:`Config` class: .. code-block:: python import os from jobslib import Config, ConfigGroup, option class AuthServiceConfig(ConfigGroup): @option(required=True, attrtype=str) def uri(self): # First try reading value from command line uri = self._args_parser.auth_servise_uri if uri: return uri # Then try reading value from environment variable uri = os.environ.get('MYAPP_AUTH_SERVICE_URI') if uri is not None: return uri # Finally try reading value from settings return self._settings['uri'] class MyAppConfig(Config): @option def auth_service(self): return AuthServiceConfig( self._settings['AUTH_SERVICE'], self._args_parser) And write into :mod:`settings` module: .. code-block:: python CONFIG_CLASS = 'myapp.config.MyAppConfig' AUTH_SERVICE = { 'uri': '', } Configuration options are available on the :class:`Config` as attributes. If any configuration value is not valid, exception will be raised and instance will not be created. .. code-block:: python >>> context.config.auth_service.uri '' """ def __init__(self, settings, args_parser, task_cls): self._settings = settings self._args_parser = args_parser self._task_cls = task_cls super().__init__() def __repr__(self): return "<{}.{}: {:#x}>".format( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, id(self) )
[docs] def initialize(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize instance attributes. You can override this method in the subclasses. """ pass
def _configure_logging(self): """ Configure Python's logging according to configuration stored in the :attr:`logging` property. """ logging.config.dictConfig(self.logging)
[docs] @option def logging(self): """ Python's logging configuration or :data:`BASE_LOGGING` if value is not defined. :data:`BASE_LOGGING` allowes :data:`~logging.INFO` and higher leveled messages and forwards them onto console. Format is :func:`logging.config.dictConfig`. """ logging_cfg = os.environ.get('JOBSLIB_LOGGING') if logging_cfg: return json.loads(logging_cfg) return getattr(self._settings, 'LOGGING', BASE_LOGGING)
[docs] @option def context_class(self): """ Context class, either :class:`~jobslib.Context` class or subclass. """ context_cls_name = getattr(self._settings, 'CONTEXT_CLASS', '') if context_cls_name: context_class = import_object(context_cls_name) else: context_class = Context return context_class
[docs] @option def task_class(self): """ Task class, subclass of the :class:`~jobslib.BaseTask`. """ return self._task_cls
[docs] @option def run_once(self): """ :class:`!bool` that indicates that task will be run only once. """ if self._args_parser.run_once is not None: return self._args_parser.run_once run_once = os.environ.get('JOBSLIB_RUN_ONCE') if run_once: return bool(int(run_once)) return getattr(self._settings, 'RUN_ONCE', False)
[docs] @option(attrtype=int) def sleep_interval(self): """ Sleep interval in seconds after task is done. """ if self._args_parser.sleep_interval is not None: sleep_interval = self._args_parser.sleep_interval else: sleep_interval = os.environ.get('JOBSLIB_SLEEP_INTERVAL') if sleep_interval: sleep_interval = int(sleep_interval) else: sleep_interval = getattr(self._settings, 'SLEEP_INTERVAL', 0) if sleep_interval < 0: raise ValueError('Run interval may not be less than 0') return sleep_interval
[docs] @option(attrtype=int) def run_interval(self): """ Run interval in seconds. If task is run longer than this interval, next loop is run imediately after task is done. """ if self._args_parser.run_interval is not None: run_interval = self._args_parser.run_interval else: run_interval = os.environ.get('JOBSLIB_RUN_INTERVAL') if run_interval: run_interval = int(run_interval) else: run_interval = getattr(self._settings, 'RUN_INTERVAL', 0) if run_interval < 0: raise ValueError('Run interval may not be less than 0') return run_interval
[docs] @option def release_on_error(self): """ :class:`!bool` that indicates that lock will be release on task error. """ if self._args_parser.release_on_error is not None: return self._args_parser.release_on_error release_on_error = os.environ.get('JOBSLIB_RELEASE_ON_ERROR') if release_on_error: return bool(int(release_on_error)) return getattr(self._settings, 'RELEASE_ON_ERROR', False)
[docs] @option def keep_lock(self): """ :class:`!bool` that indicates that lock will be kept during sleeping. """ if self._args_parser.keep_lock is not None: return self._args_parser.keep_lock keep_lock = os.environ.get('JOBSLIB_KEEP_LOCK') if keep_lock: return bool(int(keep_lock)) return getattr(self._settings, 'KEEP_LOCK', False)
[docs] @option def one_instance(self): """ Configuration of the one instance lock. Instance of the :class:`OneInstanceConfig`. """ return OneInstanceConfig( getattr(self._settings, 'ONE_INSTANCE', {}), self._args_parser)
[docs] @option def liveness(self): """ Configuration of the health state writer. Instance of the :class:`LivenessConfig`. """ return LivenessConfig( getattr(self._settings, 'LIVENESS', {}), self._args_parser)
@option def metrics(self): return MetricsConfig( getattr(self._settings, 'METRICS', {}), self._args_parser)
class OneInstanceConfig(ConfigGroup): """ Configuration of the one instance lock. """ @option def backend(self): """ One instance lock implementation class. Value must be Python's module path ``[package.[submodule.]]module.ClassName``. For development purposes you can use ``jobslib.oneinstance.dummy.DummyLock``. If ``--disable-one-instance`` argument is passed, :class:`jobslib.oneinstance.dummy.DummyLock` will be forced. """ if self._args_parser.disable_one_instance: cls_name = 'jobslib.oneinstance.dummy.DummyLock' else: cls_name = os.environ.get('JOBSLIB_ONE_INSTANCE_BACKEND') if not cls_name: cls_name = self._settings['backend'] return import_object(cls_name) @option def options(self): """ Constructor's arguments of the one instance implementation class. It depends on :meth:`backend` attribute. """ return self.backend.OptionsConfig( self._settings.get('options', {}), self._args_parser) class LivenessConfig(ConfigGroup): """ Configuration of the liveness writer. """ @option def backend(self): """ Liveness implementation class. If value is not defined, default value ``jobslib.liveness.dummy.DummyLiveness`` is used. """ cls_name = os.environ.get('JOBSLIB_LIVENESS_BACKEND') if not cls_name: cls_name = self._settings.get( 'backend', 'jobslib.liveness.dummy.DummyLiveness') return import_object(cls_name) @option def options(self): """ Constructor's arguments of the liveness implementation class. """ return self.backend.OptionsConfig( self._settings.get('options', {}), self._args_parser) class MetricsConfig(ConfigGroup): """ Configuration of the metrics writer. """ @option def backend(self): """ Metrics implementation class. If value is not defined, default value ``jobslib.metrics.dummy.DummyMetrics`` is used. """ cls_name = os.environ.get('JOBSLIB_METRICS_BACKEND') if not cls_name: cls_name = self._settings.get( 'backend', 'jobslib.metrics.dummy.DummyMetrics') return import_object(cls_name) @option def options(self): """ Constructor's arguments of the metrics implementation class. """ return self.backend.OptionsConfig( self._settings.get('options', {}), self._args_parser) class RetryConfigMixin(object): @option(required=True, attrtype=int) def retry_max_attempts(self): """ Number of attempts when some operation failes. Default is 0. """ env_name = "{}{}".format(self.retry_env_prefix, 'RETRY_MAX_ATTEMPTS') if env_name in os.environ: retry_max_attempts = int(os.environ.get(env_name)) else: retry_max_attempts = self._settings.get('retry_max_attempts', 0) return retry_max_attempts @option(required=True, attrtype=int) def retry_wait_multiplier(self): """ Wait ``2^x * multiplier`` milliseconds between each retry. Default is 50. So waits between each retries will be 0.1 sec, 0.2 sec, 0.4 sec, 0.8 sec, 1.6 sec, 3.2 sec, ... """ env_name = "{}{}".format( self.retry_env_prefix, 'RETRY_WAIT_MULTIPLIER') if env_name in os.environ: multiplier = int(os.environ.get(env_name)) else: multiplier = self._settings.get('retry_wait_multiplier', 50) return multiplier