Source code for jobslib.cmdlineparser

Command line parser helpers.

import argparse
import sys

from colored import fg, attr

__all__ = ['argument']

[docs]def argument(*args, **kwargs): """ Define how a single command-line argument should be parsed. *args* and *kwargs* have the same meaning as :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument` method. """ return args, kwargs
class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): """ Extends :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` from Python's standard library. Overrides how the error message is printed. """ def error(self, message): """ Print on **stderr** error message from command line parser and exit process. """ self.print_help(sys.stderr) self.exit( 2, '\n{:s}{:s}: error: {}{:s}\n'.format( fg('red'), self.prog, message, attr('reset')))