

Jobslib is a library for launching Python tasks in parallel environment. Our use-case is. We have two datacenters (in near future three datacenters), in each datacenter is run server with some task. However only one task may be active at one time across all datacenters. Jobslib solves this problem.

Main features are:

  • Ancestor for class which holds configuration.

  • Ancestor for container for shared resources, e.g. database connection.

  • Ancestor for class with task.

  • Configurable either from configuration file or from environmet variables.

  • Liveness – mechanism for exporting informations about health state of the task. Jobslib includes implementation which uses Consul.

  • Metrics – mechanism for exporting metrics. Jobslib includes implementation which uses InfluxDB.

  • One Instance Lock – lock, which allowes only one running instance at the same time. Jobslib includes implementation which uses Consul.


Installation from source code:

$ git clone
$ cd jobslib
$ python install

Installation from PyPi:

$ pip install jobslib

Tox is used for testing:

$ git clone
$ cd jobslib
$ pip install tox
$ tox --skip-missing-interpreters


Task is launched from command line using runjob command:

$ runjob [-s SETTINGS] [--disable-one-instance] [--run-once]
         [--sleep-interval SLEEP_INTERVAL] [--run-interval RUN_INTERVAL]
         [--keep-lock] [--release-on-error]

$ # Pass settings module using -s argument
$ runjob -s myapp.settings myapp.task.HelloWorld --run-once

$ # Pass settings module using environment variable
$ export JOBSLIB_SETTINGS_MODULE="myapp.settings"
$ runjob myapp.task.HelloWorld --run-once

Task is normally run in infinite loop, delay in seconds between individual launches is controlled by either --sleep-interval or --run-interval argument. --sleep-interval is interval in seconds, which is used to sleep after task is done. --run-interval tells that task is run every run interval seconds. Both arguments may not be used together. --keep-lock argument causes that lock will be kept during sleeping, it is useful when you have several machines and you want to keep the task still on the same machine. You can force release lock on error with --release-on-error if you use --keep-lock. If you don’t want to launch task forever, use --run-once argument. Library provides locking mechanism for launching tasks on several machines and only one instance at one time may be launched. If you don’t want this locking, use --disable-one-instance argument. All these options can be set in settings module. Optional argument -s/--settings defines Python module where configuration is stored. Or you can pass settings module using JOBSLIB_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable.

During task initialization instances of the jobslib.Config and jobslib.Context classes are created. You can define your own classes in the settings module. jobslib.Config is a container which holds configuration. jobslib.Context is a container which holds resources which are necessary for your task, for example database connection. Finally, when both classes are successfuly initialized, instance of the task (subclass of the jobslib.BaseTask passed as a task_cls argument) is created and launched.

If you want to write your own task, inherit jobslib.BaseTask class and override jobslib.BaseTask.task() method:

import sys

from jobslib import BaseTask

class HelloWorld(BaseTask):

    name = 'helloworld'
    description = 'prints hello world'

    def task(self):
        sys.stdout.write('Hello World!\n')

Configure your task in the settings module:

    'backend': 'jobslib.oneinstance.dummy.DummyLock',

    'version': 1,
    'disable_existing_loggers': False,
    'formatters': {
        'default': {
            'format': '%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
            'datefmt': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
    'handlers': {
        'console': {
            'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
            'level': 'NOTSET',
            'formatter': 'default',
    'root': {
        'handlers': ['console'],
        'level': 'INFO',

Optionally you can override jobslib.Config and/or jobslib.Context. Finally run your task:

$ runjob -s helloworld.settings --run-once helloworld.task.HelloWorld
2020-07-03 14:53:25 helloworld.task.HelloWorld INFO Run task
Hello World!
2020-07-03 14:53:25 helloworld.task.HelloWorld INFO Task done

Reference manual

Source code and license

Source codes are available on GitHub under the 3-clause BSD license. Semantic Versioning and Keep a Changelog for changelog is used.